Friday, 31 July 2009

Reply from Chris Hinton - None, Zip, Nada, Nil, Zilch, Squat

Hi Chris,

I read Mark Pincus's Blog about unfairly banned players and I'm hoping that my character can be reinstated - I still haven't had any reason why I was banned and have only had a guess at being vocal in stating that I attack more than the 3 times 'rule'.

If you cannot reinstate my game character then please could you possibly let me know the reason behind the ban?

My FB id is:id=*****

Thanks in advance

July 6 at 12:51am
Hi again Chris,

Please forgive me, I neglected to tell you the game I am banned from - Vampire Wars.

Kind Regards

July 7 at 2:18pm
Hello Chris,

The direct link to my Vampire Character is:****

I really would appreciate some help on this as I believe that I was unfairly banned because I ask difficult questions.

As you can see from my character, I have spent a lot of time and some money on it and really would like to be able to access it again.

Kind regards

Today at 12:08pm
Hello again Chris,

As you've not bothered to reply to me on this subject, I decided that I was going to do something else about the way I feel I have been mistreated by Zynga - and truth be told, it's not just me is it?

Please be aware that I post all replies - or lack thereof - to the Blog and your lack of response in this matter speaks volumes about the way Zynga treat the customers who use the games apps.

The Blog address is:

As you can probably see by now I don't actually care if I get a response from you or not. I've now made up my mind about Zynga and I think word is getting out...

Your call.

Hmm, Zynga certainly know how to treat its customers. The CEO - Mark Pincus - says on his Blog to contact Chris Hinton - and gives an email address - and the person you get to contact gives less of a stuff about your issues than the CEO does.

The next step is to email their sponsors I think.

"I have purchased points with you for a game by Zynga. I cannot get into this game and I cannot get a response from Zynga CS other than the generic 'we will email you within the next business day' (3 days ago and nothing yet).
My last hope is that your company could intervene on my behalf - and the behalf of the increasing number of people who cannot get into the game either. I am now at the point where I am looking to get a refund for the points that I purchased and cannot use."

Contact Us
Vancouver office
Super Rewards
Suite 200 - 52
Powell StreetVancouver,
British Columbia
V6A 1E7

San Francisco office
Super Rewards
111 Anza Boulevard,
Suite 115Burlingame,



Hypocrisy of the Zynga Mods

Hello all!

This is apparently the way that your valued custom is regarded by all things Zynga.

I have been forwarded this and to be perfectly honest, I'm not entirely surprised.

To Mark Pincus:


I currently use the Zynga dedicated forums regarding Vampire Wars App. I have been having difficulty in getting into the game since yesterday and I have been emailing CS and asking the Dev in the Forums - 'Mandy'.

Today, I had a reply from 'Mandy' and I found it interesting enough to share it with you as I assume that you would be also interested in how your company treats the customers/consumers.

This seems to be a typical response from the Dev in PM:

-Originally Posted by Erzebet

It's a bit of a micky take though, seeing as I used a lot of my Elders points to regain my old level so that I could have at least a fighting chance against some of the newer Vamps that took a bigger advantage of the 'glitch'.

-Quote:Originally Posted by Mandy

Yeah it sounds like it's just part of our overall Facebook server issue. New servers are on their way so just hang tight until then!

-Originally Posted by Erzebet

Have you any idea when I'll be hanging tight till? I've said that I have other Apps running and it's getting so that Vamps doesn't have the same 'pull' as it did.

-Originally Posted by Mandy

Possibly sometime next week.

-Originally Posted by Erzebet

I would think I'll be gone then.

-Originally Posted by Mandy

See ya.

-I wonder why there is such a high demand on the Customer Service Dept when the people that are there to answer questions have this attitude?I don't expect a response from you, Mark, but I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

This is what your customers are really writing about your company...

Mark J Pincus
April 23 at 12:42am


We work hard to continually improve our games, especially our high profile apps like Vamps, and to resolve issues quickly as they arise. Please check out our Customer Support portal, at, and register an account - it's quick and easy.

Then click the Ask a Question button at the top of the page, and enter all of the details surrounding your issue.CS will respond, but please give them a few days for research.


April 23 at 9:18pm
It would look a lot better if you had actually read my email instead of giving me the same tired and trite response that I get from absolutely everywhere else.

It will do no good to say been there, done that... but...

This message was also posted in another Blog which was removed by the hosting site - An online games site (surprise surprise). I wonder who made the complaint... you see, they really don't like you knowing what goes on behind closed doors...

More soon,


PS: Quote forwarded in email:

ever since i removed and blocked vampire wars, i have not once been given a warning for adding friends or sending mails, and only one warning for wall posts, and thats it, surprising isnt it?

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Zynga cashing in it's Chips?

Do a little digging and it's quite amazing what you can come up with...

A little birdie told me that Zynga do not just make money from selling the Elder Points - they also make money each and every time you log into the game (or try to, those that are banned). Each log in is registered and accumulated to make more money for Zynga.

Now whilst I think there's no shame in making money from a good idea, I DO think there is shame in making money and treating your customers like cash-cows and nothing more.

The 'Customer Service' is shoddy at best and deplorable in my experience. They close tickets without reply, they leave replies for months at a time and expect banned players to just roll over and play dead because it's just too difficult to log on to update the ticket before it runs out...

Did I say "Too difficult"? Make that IMPOSSIBLE.

If you're banned from the forums and from the game, you cannot log into any Zynga page, not even to post on Mark Pincus' Blog (I know, I tried).

Time is drawing on Zynga, the nights are getting longer. More people are joining this Blog and Erzebet is getting ready to do Battle - either in game or out - your choice!


Taking the Mickey - what qualifications are needed?

Here's an email conversation between one of the banned players and one of the Zynga drones (I can't call him CEO/Founder because you'd think he'd have a little more sway with his own company... wouldn't you?)

Banned Player
July 9 at 9:58pm
Hi Mark,

I read your blog on banned players with more than a little hope. I was banned from the game as well as Zynga forums for admitting that I attack until I get a kill stat or until the opponent is 'zombied'.

I consider this ban unfair, not to mention slanderous in the fact that I don't consider myself to have been abusive and the reason given when I try to log on is:
You've been banned.
Reason: Violation of the Terms of Service - Harassing Other Users/Harassing CommentsBanned until: Permanent.

I have emailed Chris Hinton as you advised in your blog and have not yet had a response - either way.
I would go through the normal channels of asking for this ban to be lifted but as I am banned from Zynga forums it seems that I cannot log on to Zynga to request a review of this decision.

I did spend money on Elders Points for that game and frankly I'm quite angry that I am labelled as 'harassing other users' just for saying that I attack more than 3 times in a 'fighting game'.

I have not asked for this ban to be lifted before now as I was hoping that someone on the Moderators team would actually come to their senses and lift all the bans imposed for speaking our minds. This email, therefore, is my penultimate resort. I do hope you can help.

Kind regards

Mark J Pincus
July 10 at 5:24pm
Hi Player,

Please check out our Customer Support portal, at, and register an account - it's quick and easy.

Then, click the Ask a Question button at the top of the page, and enter your request there. CS will research your account, and respond.

Only CS has the ability to research and reactivate an account.


Banned Player
July 10 at 9:27pm
Hi Mark,

Been there, done that...Incorrect username/password combination or the account has been disabled.

Now, if I make a new account, I am liable to be re-banned because I am trying to 'circumnavigate' the system and will be shut down again...I didn't do anything to be banned for before and as I said, you are my only chance of getting through to Zynga as Chris Hinton still hasn't bothered to reply.

I'll try to make a new account and hope that I don't get the 'circumnavigation' ban.

Fingers crossed...

Banned Player
July 14 at 10:10pm
Hi again Mark.

I couldn't get onto the support site as my account had been disabled. I made another one and asked my question again. I have a reply which will be deemed as resolved if I do not answer within 120 hours - very generous - until you realise that the new account has been disabled and therefore I cannot log in to dispute the reply.

Here is the reply I got. I am not happy. As you can see, the original question was asked on 7th April... not exactly your 72 hours promise is it?

Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.
We will assume your issue has been resolved if we do not hear from you within 120 hours.Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.
To access or update your question from our support site, click here, do not click Reply from your Inbox.

SubjectAppealing Ban on Vampire WarsDiscussion ThreadResponse (Zynga Support Staff) 07/14/2009 11:41 AM

Hello Player,

Thanks for contacting the Zynga Terms of Service Team.Per your request, we have reviewed the ban on your account. After reviewing your account activity again, it was determined that you were in violation of our Terms of Service. Therefore, your account is permanently banned, and will not be reactivated for any reason.

Thank you,Zynga Terms of Service TeamCustomer (Entered by Zynga Customer Support) 07/13/2009 08:12 AMCustomer calling in to appeal the ban on their Vampire Wars account.

They say they have been banned for abuse and harassment. The customer says they do not take part in that kind of behavior and would like the ban removed.

Response (Zynga Support Staff) 04/24/2009 06:03 PMDear Zynga Games Player,

Thank you for contacting us with your problem in the past We apologize for not responding to you earlier and understand if you have been frustrated by not hearing from us. We are working hard to fix some issues that have caused our response time to be so late, and believe we will be timelier in responding to your concerns in the future. If the issue you wrote us previously has not been settled or you are still experiencing problems with game play or a billing issue, please contact us by clicking on this link by pointing your browser to the Zynga Home page at and clicking on the word “Support” at the top of the page. We are very sorry that we could not respond faster to your issue and hope that you will continue to support Zynga Games.Thank you for your support and patience.

The Customer Service Team at ZyngaGo for more about Zynga Games!Customer (Player)
04/08/2009 07:12 AM

This is the third time I've asked about this and I still have had no reply,despite your 'promise' that I would receive a response within the nextworking day. I'm assuming then that you're on permanent holiday? You certainly would be if you worked for me.

From: Player
Sent: 07 April 2009 09:12

Subject: Vampire Wars submitted question
Your Question has been Submitted
Question Reference # 090407-000100 You should receive a response by email from our support department within the next business day.

If you need to add information to or cancel your question, you can do so byupdating it through the questions subarea of the 'My Stuff' section of thissite. Added by UpdateMy FB id=1279837386Question Reference #090408-004105
Product Level 1: VampiresCategory Level 1: Rules/PoliciesCategory Level 2: Terms of ServiceCategory Level 3: Appeal Account BanDate Created: 04/08/2009 07:12 AM
Last Updated: 07/14/2009 11:41 AM
Status: Waiting
Profile or iPhone #1279837386

Mark J Pincus
July 15 at 5:32pm

Hi,The CS account you created when you initially submitted your ticket is not the same as your game account. Are you saying that your CS account has been banned? What happens when you try to access Support?


Banned Player
July 15 at 7:58pm
Thanks for replying Mark, I appreciate the time you're putting into this.

When I click the link on the email that was sent confirming the banned account I get this message:Permission DeniedYou do not have permission to access this document.

To be perfectly honest with you Mark, I object to the terminology used "Harassing Other Users/Harassing Comments"

As you may or may not remember, I had a little run-in with a Moderator and I believe that the Moderator then took it all a little too much to heart and decided that they could interpret the ToS in order to ban my account. I am not the only one banned in this particular manner and I know there are a number of angry people out there with axes to grind.

I would rather sort this out amicably - if you need to keep the ban on me for the Forums, I would agree to that but I enjoyed the game, the strategy and mentoring and I haven't found another game that catches my imagination in the same way.

I had worked hard from October last year to attain the level and my place on the Leaderboards and I did that through the game and the abilities given in the game. Not once did I swear, threaten or abuse on anyone's wall and neither did I email anyone for those purposes... Unfortunately, there are a lot that do use those methods of bullying and I understand why your company would want to stamp out those practices.

I once offered to help on the official forum when it was based on Facebook but I was told that there were no vacancies. I also spoke with Parizad and she commended me on my ideas and asked if I would continue to help in the same way that I had been doing. I agreed but said that I wouldn't do that under an 'official capacity'. How could I then have gone from helping the community in the forums to being 'public enemy #1' in such a short space of time and without any change on my part?

Thanks again for your time, Mark and sorry to have gone on so much.

Kind Regards

Banned Player
July 17 at 4:49pm
Hello Mark,

Well, I must say that your company certainly knows how to take the mickey.Please note: 'SOLVED' on a page where I am unable to access because I am 'BANNED' does not fool me and I doubt it will fool anyone else.There's a new Vampires game started on Facebook and I'll be promoting that with as much energy and gusto that I once promoted Vampire Wars.I'm working very hard on my new Blog, I'll keep you updated on its progress as soon as it's live.


We have not heard from you concerning your request for support in the 120 hours since we sent you a response. Consequently, we have changed the status of your question to SOLVED.
To access or update your question from our support site, click here, do not click Reply from your Inbox.
Question Reference #090710-003272Summary: Vampires GameProduct Level 1: VampiresProduct Level 2: FacebookCategory Level 1: Rules/PoliciesCategory Level 2: Privacy PolicyCategory Level 3: GeneralDate Created: 07/10/2009 02:12 PMLast Updated: 07/16/2009 01:30 AM
Status: Solved

Banned Player
Today at 1:40am
As promised... here's a little about my new Blog. Feel free to post your comments too...
I would like to see the other side of this story.
Feel free to use it and make comments.
I don't mind criticism, but please, no abuse or personal vendettas - the one common 'enemy' we have here seems to be Zynga.
Post your experiences and how you got reinstated, feel free to pass the link around too!

Mark J Pincus
Today at 8:04pm
Hi Player,

I'm very sorry. However, only CS has the ability to research and reactivate accounts. It sounds as though you've submitted several tickets, each of which CS replied to, but that your ban is permanent.


Banned Player
Today at 8:37pm
Hi Mark,

I've had no notification that my ban is permanent. I've been told that it's been elevated to 2nd tier and then nothing.I have had no reason given for the ban either and I would think that after the money I spent with your company, I could have at least have expected to know exactly what it is that I had done in the first place.

My opinion is that I was banned for voicing my questions on your forum and the moderators couldn't answer them so it was far easier to ban me (and not just me). If I was banned for any other reason then I really would appreciate knowing.If I am banned for 'harassment' then I really need to know exactly who I am supposed to have harassed.

If I am banned because of your Moderators getting a little uppity when they were given the ability to ban people from the forums and the game, then I think I'd like my account back.

MySpace users had a lot of interaction with Zynga on Forums but Facebook users didn't have any. Tempers got frayed because of this 'favouritism' which is why some people were seen to have gone too far. Facebbok users were blatantly ignored and your company needs to accept culpability for that.

Mark, I am being really patient here. I am being entirely open with you and have given you the address of my Blog. I am also writing to everyone else that was banned and will be getting their side of the story. I will also be posting the email from your moderator which flippantly disregarded my problem in acessing the game and said 'goodbye' when I threatened to leave.I will also be writing to all the companies that utilise Elders Points and pointing them towards my Blog. There is a lot of interest growing with regards to it and I'm sure that I'll have plenty of material to work with for a long time to come.

Hmmm... I think someone is making excuses for not wanting to go and ask his Moderators just what the hell is going on.

Xypher's Bit

Customer (Xypher)
06/06/2009 02:57 PM
I have still received no reply about my ban and emails on the subject, does Zynga actually have any customer service? I play other Zynga apps and have no intention of purchasing points or doing offers until my VW account is reinstated.

Erzebet Comment 1:
9 days to reply... hmmm... not quite 72 hours is it?

Hello Xypher,
06/15/2009 05:22 AM
Thanks for contacting Zynga.We understand your frustration at being reported. However, being unfairly reported won’t prevent our players from being able to enjoy our games. We will only consider reports of behavior that violate our Terms of Service or the terms of service of the networks from where you play our games. If you are reported unfairly, you do not need to do anything unless we contact you. If you are contacted by us, then we will be happy to hear your side of the story.To respond to this message, please use the link at the bottom of the page. Remember, we can better help you when you help us by using our support site at Using the “contact” button at the bottom of the Facebook page or other email addresses will significantly increase our response time.

Best,Zynga Customer Support

Customer (Xypher)
06/22/2009 01:34 AM
Can you please answer some very simple questions?

#1. Are you still investigating my ban?

#2. Can I have an email address or telephone number of someone I can speak to personally that can help me?

#3. Am I going to be banned permanently?

Please answer these questions for me. I don't feel that your previous correspondance addressed any of my issues.

Erzebet Comment 2:
1 Month later, no response to email: Xypher resorts to phoning USA

Customer (Entered by Zynga Customer Support)
07/21/2009 03:45 PM
Customer would like to know if her ban is still being investigated. Customer says she was banned for harassment is what we told her.Customer would like her account reinstated because she feels she did nothing wrong.

Response (Zynga Support Staff)
07/23/2009 11:39 AM
Hello Xypher,
Thanks for contacting the Zynga Terms of Service Team.As previously stated your account has been permanently banned by Zynga for violating the Terms of Service.The following are the Terms of Service violations on the account, including but not limited to:Rules of Conduct:As a user of the Site, you agree that your User Content, and your conduct on the Site will not:* include any offensive comments that are connected to race, national origin, gender, sexual preference or physical handicap;* include profanity or any obscene, indecent, pornographic, sexual or otherwise objectionable content or language;* defame, libel, ridicule, mock, disparage, threaten, harass, intimidate or abuse anyone;* promote violence or describe how to perform a violent act;* violate the contractual, personal, intellectual property or other rights of any party, or promote or constitute illegal activity;* be in violation of the Vampire Wars rules (collectively "Content Restrictions").You can read the Terms of Service here: account will not be reactivated for any reason. Once your account has been permanently banned it can never be reactivated. Please read the following regarding Termination of your accountThank you,Zynga Terms of Service Team

Erzebet Comment 3:
This is an utter mickey-take!

07/23/2009 11:39 AM
Help us improve our service!No long survey, just a simple click!This response was great!Rate this Response a 5 response was good.Rate this Response a 4 response answered my question.Rate this Response a 3 response didn't answer my question.Rate this Response a 2 response had nothing to do with the question I asked.Rate this Response a 1

Customer (Entered by Zynga Customer Support)
07/29/2009 04:21 AM
customer wants to know why she was banned and what was done wrong. says she knows that banned accounts can be reactivated because she knows other people who have been banned whose accounts have been reinstated. she says that she refuses to take no for an answer because she has never violated the TOS and wants to know what our reasons are for banning her. she has been trying to get an answer since may.

Response (Zynga Support Staff)
07/29/2009 08:57 AM
Hello Xypher,
Thanks for contacting the Zynga Terms of Service Team.Per your request, we have reviewed the ban on your account. After reviewing your account activity again, it was determined that you were in violation of our Terms of Service. Therefore, your account is permanently banned, and will not be reactivated for any reason.
Thank you,Zynga

Terms of Service Team

Erzebet Comment 4:
Taking the Mickey to new and unexplored heights...

Auto-Response 07/29/2009 08:57 AM Help us improve our service!No long survey, just a simple click!This response was great!Rate this Response a 5 response was good.Rate this Response a 4 response answered my question.Rate this Response a 3 response didn't answer my question.Rate this Response a 2 response had nothing to do with the question I asked.Rate this Response a 1

Customer (Xypher)
07/29/2009 02:13 PM
You still aren't answering my question! Exactly what did I do that deserved a permanent ban? I would also like to know please why I was left hanging for so long without an answer to my quey?I know many players who received "permanent" bans that were reinstated. Why am am I being treated so badly by your customer service?I will be adding my voice to the already long list of complainants with the SF BBB. I still require an answer as to my "offense".

Response (Zynga Support Staff)
07/29/2009 02:55 PM
Hello Xypher,
Thanks for contacting the Zynga Terms of Service Team.We have reviewed your account ban more than once at this point. Unfortunately you violated our terms of service and your account will not be reactivated at anytime. We have explained this to you on more than one occasion. Any further contact with Zynga regarding this issue will be set to solved without further communication to you.The following are the Terms of Service violations on the account, including but not limited to:Rules of Conduct:As a user of the Site, you agree that your User Content, and your conduct on the Site will not:* include any offensive comments that are connected to race, national origin, gender, sexual preference or physical handicap;* include profanity or any obscene, indecent, pornographic, sexual or otherwise objectionable content or language;* defame, libel, ridicule, mock, disparage, threaten, harass, intimidate or abuse anyone;* promote violence or describe how to perform a violent act;* violate the contractual, personal, intellectual property or other rights of any party, or promote or constitute illegal activity;* be in violation of the Vampire Wars rules (collectively "Content Restrictions").You can read the Terms of Service here: account will not be reactivated for any reason. Once your account has been permanently banned it can never be reactivated. Please read the following regarding Termination of your account

Thank you,
Zynga Terms of Service Team

Erzebet Comment 5:
By now, they still don't get what Xypher thinks of the 'Customer Service' that she isn't getting...?

Auto-Response 07/29/2009 02:55 PM Help us improve our service!No long survey, just a simple click!This response was great!Rate this Response a 5 response was good.Rate this Response a 4 response answered my question.Rate this Response a 3 response didn't answer my question.Rate this Response a 2 response had nothing to do with the question I asked.Rate this Response a 1

Customer (Xypher)
07/29/2009 10:47 PM
Your continued refusal to answer my most basic question is frustrating. I am simply asking you to tell me what I did, exactly, that deserved a permanent ban. This generic BS does not answer that question in any way. I will continue to call and email until I get the information I have a right to.

Still waiting....


Paradox that is 'Customer Support'

Here are a couple of examples from the so-called 'Customer Support'


Thank you for contacting Zynga. Your Ticket has been received, and a member of our staff will review it and reply accordingly. Due to unusually high volume, our average response time is 3-5 days.

Please refrain from submitting multiple tickets. We are working to resolve your issue(s) quickly, and we appreciate your patience! Submitting multiple tickets for the same issue may result in a significantly longer response time.

Lastly, please make sure to check your Spam folder for any responses from us.

Please note: The Ticket ID must always remain in the subject line.

We have not heard back from you within 72 hours, if you are still having the issue, simply reply to this Email. Subject: [Vampire Wars] abuse Department: Vampire Wars Priority: Medium Status: Responded Please note that the Ticket will automatically be closed within 12 hours if no response is received from you. Zynga


In effect, it will most likely be closed before anyone takes a look at it.


Famous Quotes from 'Customer Service'
Zynga is committed to providing excellent Customer support. - To whom?
If you have an outstanding issue, we’re really sorry! - No, really! These are tears of sorrow... I'm not actually laughing... it's just that I'm really sensitive to your issues...
Thanks for registering at Zynga Community Forums! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your stay. - However, if the Moderators don't like your questions, your stay WILL be a short one.
---Quote (Originally by Forimus Prime)--- Welcome!

We dont want to throw anyone out here, unless they are very abusive or disruptive. We want people to take advantage of these awesome forums. As long as you follow the rule/guidelines you will have no problems here. - The shape of things to come perhaps?
---Quote (Originally by Mandy)---
Why do you want the old forum? This one has actual moderators and developers. It's a lot more helpful for us because we had almost no access to the Facebook forums there, and as we could not moderate them they were often covered in spam. -
---End Quote---

Guess who replied...
Now, I'm going to take exception to your comment on this Mandy.

The FB Forums were NOT covered in Spam. There were a lot of the users there that helped out and did their very best to make sure that they were not covered in Spam or add mes and that the threads which were useful were kept to the top of the front page without the aid of stickies.

I am very grateful that we now have a 'proper' forum where the Zynga Devs and Mods deign to answer our questions (at long last) but I'm not going to allow you to say that the forums over there were as bad as you're painting when they most certainly were NOT and without the help of Zynga in any way, shape or form.

If you had "almost no access to the Facebook forums" how would you know what they were like?

Actually, we didn't need the Zynga Reps to answer in the FB forums, there were people that wrote direct to Zynga and got the same level of information from them as they did on the FB forums ie: NONE whatsoever.

To date, the most information and help received about the game on Facebook has come from people who played the game and posted in FB forums, not from Zynga. You are belittling the time and effort that those people gave to YOUR game app and that is disrespectful.

Has anyone actually diverted the people from Facebook to this forum? I heard about it from one of those same people that kept the FB forum tidy and I have passed the link on to clan mates.

I'm not going to apologise for this rant even though it's long-winded. We had NO help or direction from Zynga and that in itself is a disgrace, the excuse that you had no access is another.


More Later

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

How it all began to go wrong...

The day Zynga kicked it’s Vampire Wars customers (players) in the Fangs!

I think everyone on Vampire Wars remembers the day in question: February 13th 2009.

I remember it because I was an active member of the Vampire Wars Group forum on FB and I remember joining in on quite a lot of the threads.

One particular subject springs to mind was the ‘Valentines Day Massacre’ that was planned for the weekend. The previous ‘themed weekend’ had gone really well and had really perked up the interest in the game so we had no reason to imagine that this weekend would be any different...

Oh how wrong can you be?

Most were used to the game being screwed about with on Thursdays – that was the day that all/any changes had to be finished and put into the game because (my opinion) it gave everyone at Zynga time to jump ship for the weekend and avoid the influx of angry emails and Forum Postings because they had messed up yet again.

This particular weekend was different... oh so very different...

The Self-Claim Hitlist had gone!

Zynga had de-fanged their game.

A game which when I joined was already well-established and had a number of Legends up on the Leader Boards.

A game which was billed as being bloodthirsty, violent and which had no rules... not even a rule which prevented you from attacking mercilessly until your opponent was dead!

A game which was rated as 5 out of 5!

What made this all the more of a stake to the heart of the game was that we know the Devs were reading our forums, even if they didn’t post. They KNEW about the plans! The plans that we were implementing to make THEIR game even more appealing to us - the players!

If Zynga thought that they could wriggle out of this one unscathed, then they had another think coming. The Forums were up in arms! Some went visiting MySpace to see how they fared with the game...

What a revelation THAT was!

MySpace had replies from the Developers of Vampire Wars! The Devs actually answered questions there!

Everything FB Vampires Fans learned from then on was another kick in the already bloodied fangs for us.

Still, some of us were determined to keep the game as true to the dark, violent and vicious game we had spent time (and money) on for all these months. Some of us worked around the loss of the self-claim Hitlist. We posted our ways around it and the Devs used those hints and tips to further ‘improve’ those hints out.
The opportunity of staying on the Hitlist and ‘Riding’ it for Exp Points went. Then they forced a time-limit on the ‘ride’ - 12 hours max!
Next thing, you couldn’t even gain Exp from Vampires attacking and losing to you after a certain amount of Exp gained! Where was the reward for spending all that time getting to close to the top of the tree?
It was theorised that Zynga had gone all ‘sparkly’ and caved in to the demands of the romanticised ‘Twilight’ Vampire film and the ‘Twilight Tweenies’ that followed it.
What happened to ‘No Rules’?
What happened to ‘Most Violent and Bloodthirsty game on the net’?
It has turned into a Disney cartoon version!
We now have The Little Mermaid when all we wanted was Nightmare before Christmas! Bring in Tim Burton! Bring in Gary Oldman! Give us Helena Bonham-Carter from Sweeny Todd!
For goodness sake Zynga! Grow a pair and give us back the game that we ask for! The game that a lot of us started playing before you screwed about with it and screwed it up!
Don’t even get me started on the ‘Official Zynga Forums’, their ‘Moderators’ and the bannings that have taken place!
That is of course, not to mention the other Blog that I started when I couldn’t get into the game and nothing was being done to correct the fault that prevented me from gaining access to the game – the one that was removed by request of a third party – mentioning no names...

The irony that is left is the quote from their game blurb:

Cast away your mortal chains and enter the night! Immerse yourself in a world of darkness as you form a clan of deadly disciples, wage war against your rivals, and hunt for blood to become the most infamous beast the world has ever known!
The hottest horror game on Facebook!
Learn devastating supernatural abilities to tear your foes limb from limb!
Carry out dark missions on your quest for blood and strength!
Create a clan with your friends to conquer and rule the vampire realm!
Control innocent minds and form an army of minions!

Who can type such rubbish with a straight face? Apparently Zynga can... and do.

The mind boggles...

More soon...


Interviews with banned Players.

Updates of Zynga 'support emails'.

Updates of replies and responses from the others that pay into the game - the sponsors.

How Zynga get around the '120 hour response time' and their 'Resolved' stats - Fiction doesn't come into it.

Replies and responses from others that are annoyed at the lack of notice Zynga take from it's customers - the Players. After all, without the players, it would be just a pretty picture on screen, wearing pretty clothes... oh, hang on...


Erzebet's First Post!

Hello Vampire Wars fans!

If you've come this far, you've probably been directed here because of your interest in the online game 'Vampire Wars' on FaceBook.


If you've stumbled from a search engine, welcome to you too.

I hope to make this informative and interesting to most reading this and exceptionally uncomfortable for some... you know who you are and which category you fit into.

More later...
