Sunday, 15 November 2009

Today I was forwarded a link for You Tube - Thanks Chris!

Enlightenment and Honesty from Zynga! At last! - You may not be quite so impressed or surprised when you see the clips though... Pincus stands up and actually admits his tactics are "horrible".
"I did every horrible thing in the book to just get revenues right away." Why am I not surprised?

"I downloaded ... and I couldn't get rid of it." So he admits that he encourages people to download things onto their computer that cannot be 'got rid of'.

Then, there's this one...

It speaks for itself really...

Then we have this:

At You Tube:

“Zynga cheat” results 1 - 20 of about 553

“Zynga hack” results 1 - 20 of about 652

Is anything being done to stem this tide of cheating? Not that I can see. Then again... the phrase: "No change there then!" seems to be one that is always on the lips of the players that are banned and scammed with frightening regularity.

Another example: On one particular game, there are a few players that have excessive amounts of missions completed:

Missions Completed: Over 16,500,000

Fights Won: Almost 200,000

Now, how many clicks is that exactly?

If only 25% of those fights are actually instigated by the player, it will still amount to 50,000 individual clicks.

Sixteen million, five hundred and eighty thousand clicks? From ONE player?

Bearing in mind that the game has been on Facebook for a little over 1 year - let's be generous and say it's been going for 16 months, that is:

1 million Clicks per month or:

33333.333 Clicks per day or:

1388.888 Clicks per hour or:

23.148148 Clicks per minute


Is there an outcry about this? Yes there is!

What happens to the people that do point these things out?

They are the ones that get banned! They are the ones that lose their accounts!

There is a game out there that bans cheats, second accounts and abusive people. That game is here:


Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Requiem for a Game once loved

The sun was shining on the game,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The syntax smooth and bright--
This wasn't odd, because it was
The middle of Thursday night.

The moon was shining sulkily,
Because she thought the sun
Had got no business to be there
After the day was done--
"It's very rude of him," she said,
"To come and spoil the fun!"

The blood was wet as wet could be,
The graves were dry as dry.
You could not see a cloud, because
No cloud was in the sky:
No birds were flying overhead--
There were only bats to fly.

The Marcus and the Programmer
Were walking close at hand;
They wept like anything to see
The Vampires make their stand:
"If these were only beaten down,"
They said, "it would be grand!"

"If seven mods with seven Opps
Swept it for half a year.
Do you suppose," the Marcus said,
"That they'd get the forum clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Programmer,
And shed a bitter tear.

"O Players, come and play with us!"
The Marcus did beseech.
"A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk,
Your credit cards we leach:
We need so very many more,
We promise gifts to each."

The Wisest Players looked at him,
But never a word they said:
The Wisest Players winked an eye,
And shook a weary head--
Meaning to say they did not choose
To hear what Marcus said.

But four young Players hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their coats were brushed, their fangs were washed,
Their stats were hard to beat--
And this was odd, because, you know,
They had more in defeat.

Four other Players followed them,
And yet another four;
And thick and fast they came at last,
And more, and more, and more--
All hopping through the useless tags,
And scrambling to the fore.

The Marcus and the Programmer
Went on a year or so,
And then slunk underneath their rock
Conveniently low:
And all the little Players stood
And waited in a row.

"The time has come," Erzebet said,
"To talk of many things:
Of games--and war--and Vampires--
Of Princessas--and kings--
And why a game has run its course--
And whether Vamps have wings."

"But wait a bit," the Players cried,
"Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of Rage,
And all our stats are fat!"
"More Energy!" said the Programmer.
They thanked him much for that.

"Another hat," the Marcus said,
"Is what we chiefly need:
More Coats for Avatars besides
Are very good indeed--
Now if you're ready, Players dear,
We can fulfil our greed."

"But not from us?" the Players cried,
Turning a little blue.
"After Rage and Energy, that’d be
A dismal thing to do!"
"The Game is fine," the Marcus said.
"Do you admire the view?

"It was so kind of you to Play!
And you are very nice!"
The Programmer said nothing but
"Give us another slice:
I wish they were not quite so deaf--
I've had to ask them twice!"

"It seems a shame," the Marcus said,
"To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them level quick!"
The Programmer said nothing but
"The Lie has spread too thick!"

"I weep for us," the Marcus said:
"I deeply sympathize."
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Vamps of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.

"O Players," said the Programmer,
"We've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none--
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd all left... every one.


Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Was it this...?

Perhaps my up-front kinda way of speaking has some of those tough ole mods in a bit of a flap over at zynga? Here are a few of the emails I sent to serendippy in response to her mails... please note that I have left out her post to me and the only comments are mine.

If this is what has sent her off to the police, then I'm afraid that she needs to grow a thicker skin than the one she has because some people aren't as civil as me.

If the 'stalking' issue was about how many times I emailed serendippy, each one was in reply to an email from her first. I have the last one titled "Will she ever stop...?"


I know, you're just a Mod. You do as you're told and say what you have to say because someone told you that's what Mods do. Why do you think that I don't want to be a Mod?

The problem that Zynga has with me is that I'm vocal and saying what people think. Nothing that I have posted anywhere is a lie. I have heard rumours but I research them first before I put my name to them. If they are not correct or are just speculation, then I don't and won't post them as truth. I post what I guess at - and let's face it, I guess pretty good - but not what others guess at.

I say what I think and suffer the consequences if I'm wrong and I apologise.

I would NEVER attack someone that I know cannot get into the game and their Vampire is not 'zombiefied' but that's the honour I have in the game. HE has posted before that he can and will beat me, he's bragged about it and posted proof. OK, that's not bullying in your eyes (or someone that told you it wasn't) but it is in mine.

Think to yourself here... why didn't they have Count Chocula as a Mod? Why didn't they have me? It's because we have our own thoughts and we wouldn't 'toe the line' as we're told to and they know it.

Have fun in the forums, being a Mod, but remember this, you have to live with yourself, they don't and if you feel that something isn't right, speak up about it or you'll be forever kicking yourself.

You regret the things you didn't do far more than the things you did do. - Proverb.


Unfortunately, you seem to think that I am a niave and easily hurt individual. I'm not. I don't think that Zynga hates me - I'm not a 13yr old Emo kid - and I wouldn't give a stuff if they did hate me.

You wanted to know if I would listen to someone criticising me - if I would walk away from them? Well, no, I wouldn't walk away. If it was my business, my product and my employees, then I would want to know EXACTLY what my customers thought about them, their attitude towards the customers and even what they thought about me. That's how you get on in most businesses, by giving the customer exactly what they want (of course within the parameters of the business).

I can't be 100% sure, but I don't think I called 'Mandy' a liar. I also can't be 100% sure, but I also don't think I said that Zynga were thieves. It has been said, and I think I may have contributed to the thread, but I don't think I said that.

Your reprimand of my post when I replied to 'Panda' has shown that you're not quite as impartial as you like to think you are and others saw it too.

I'll re-read your emails to me again to see if there are any other points that I'd like to address but I would like to know one thing... where on earth did you get the idea that I think anyone hates me?

I have always regarded the internet as somewhere that is vitually impossible to hate a person because you have never met them. That goes for 'dislike' too.

You may not work for Zynga but you have certainly changed your style of writing in the forums since you became Mod (and just before, when I predicted it to choccie) - so has inyxis. If you don't believe me, go and read some of your early posts (and hers for that matter) :) That having been said, I don't dislike you, Parizad, Mandy (although her attitude was appalling towards a customer) or Richard. I have told forimus to not email me as I'm not interested in what he has to say, but that's by-the-by.

I'm afraid I'll not change how I write in forums, it's the same personality there as it is here in my office at home and out in the big wide world. If people really don't like me then that's up to them, I don't really mind, they can avoid me if they want to, my feelings will not be hurt... I still don't believe that you think I'm under the assumption that Zynga hate me... I've never said that, it's not a phrase I've used since I was about... ohhh... 12.


The only people that have interacted with me from Zynga are those from Forums – true, but that is ONLY because no-one else from Zynga, their Customer service people right up to the CEO and Founder have ever replied to any of my emails – including the email I have which said that they would get back to me within the next business day. I don’t think it’s what I say or how I say it that prevents anyone from replying, I think it’s complacency.

I will always speak out if I think something is wrong. The fact that speaking out against Zynga – or ‘Zynga bashing’ as it’s known - is one of the rules, speaks volumes. It says “We know we’re rubbish but we don’t like to hear it, so saying we’re rubbish is against the rules – ergo you’re breaking the rules by saying we’re rubbish.” Unfortunately, I will not promise not to break that rule.

Concerning Mandy and the ‘thieving’ thing, I most categorically did NOT say that Zynga were thieves. I also did NOT agree with anyone that said that. I’ve checked on this and I suggest that before you carry on with this, you do the same. The thread is in suggestions and it’s by Nebuchadnezzar. Then, when you’ve done that, I also suggest that you apologise for that particular accusation and check your facts before you accuse in future. I think you’re being fed what to say to me and the one doing the feeding is generalising. I’ll also be checking through all my posts to see where I called Mandy a liar because I don’t think I did that either.

This is very dangerous ground you’re treading here, be very careful, I have a good reputation online and I think California Law would be in my favour on a lot of these points.

The Panda thing, I didn’t attack anyone. If you think that 2 x ‘!’ is an attack, then god and all the other deities that you can imagine help you when you get involved in a real flame war. I didn’t ‘go after’ Panda, I recommended that they re-read my post properly because it was obvious that they hadn’t.

At the end of the day, you still haven’t pointed out the threads or the posts that I was reprimanded for and in that case, you’re covering your back. Either point out the posts/threads where I said these things or quit reprimanding me for them. I can’t find them and I’ve searched all of my posts.


How many times and in how many different ways are you going to say the same thing? And, 'Defamation' works both ways. You accused me of saying that Mandy is a liar, I didn't. You also accused me of saying that Zynga are thieves or for supporting someone that said that. I didn't.

You have edged around that particular subject. I have asked you to show me the posts, yet you can't and yet you also can't apologise for accusing me of those things. You should also know that an online reputation is just as valuable as a 'real life' one. Well done, you are truly worthy of working for Zynga.

I expect your contract will be in the post, I wouldn't trust them to email it to you, especially if they use the same email client as their CS dept :rolleyes:

Serendippy the StuporMod now?

*Walks away shaking her head...

I wonder why they decided to tell me that I had been reported to the police when it's clear that I was being harrangued and harassed in private mail by one of their own mods. One who accused me of calling zynga thieves and of calling 'Mandy' a liar.

As I said before, Zynga put up some proof or apologise for the accusations.

Word is spreading... Rates are dropping... 2.8 now...


The serious threat of 'Stalking'

... and the more serious subject of lying about it.

We've all heard of the boy that cried 'Wolf' and what happened to him. I think that perhaps there are a few of Zynga's mods that could be on that same threshold at the moment.

I sent off my Copy & Pasted reply to Zynga's usual and trite message telling me that I'm banned permanently and was surprised to receive another one soon after.


Thanks for contacting the Zynga Terms of Service Team.

Per your request, we have reviewed the ban on your account. After reviewing your account activity again, it was determined that you were in violation of our Terms of Service. Therefore, your account is permanently banned, and will not be reactivated for any reason.

Thank you,
Zynga Terms of Service Team

My Reply:

Again, I have NOT had an answer. I have NEVER been told what it is that I have supposedly done.

What did I do to get banned?

Who complained – was it any of your moderators because if that is the case I suggest you get proof of the abuse – There is none.

I have now decided to take matters into my own hands and as such, I have started a Blog, highlighting the shortcomings of your company.

Feel free to read it, I have sent the address to Mark Pincus and Chris Hinton.

I am far from satisfied with the replies I have had from your company and I am not the only one.

My next course of action is to email the companies that advertise on your games.

Send this to ‘resolved’, it’s as much as I expect from you.



Thanks for contacting the Zynga Terms of Service Team.

Per your request, we have reviewed the ban on your account. After reviewing your account activity again, it was determined that you were in violation of our Terms of Service for stalking our mods, harassing them, disrupting their ability to conduct their jobs, and pushing one so far that they filed a police report regarding your actions. Therefore, your account is permanently banned, and will not be reactivated for any reason.

Thank you,
Zynga Terms of Service Team


What an absolute load of rubbish!

Still, I can’t expect anything else from your company.

As no member of the police – from any country - have attempted to contact me on this matter, I shall assume that they either didn’t receive the alleged complaint or they thought it was as ridiculous as it sounds.

Feel free to read about this in my Blog. I shall post this email there so that everyone can make up their own minds about the company and their policies.


Way back at the end of last century and the beginning of this century, I was an IRCop - a member of a very good team - on a chat server. We dealt with all sorts of issues to do with chat and the server.

We had one particular issue with someone trying his luck at his own version of 'insider trading'. He would buy shares and then try to encourage people on the server to buy them too so that his stock would rise and he'd make a profit. The ISP couldn't endorse such behaviour so we as Mods (proper ones, not the tin-pot fools that run Zynga Forums) were charged with trying to keep him off the chat server. Sometimes we were successful and sometimes not.

One day my friend, another member of the Moderator Team, told me that she'd had a dozen red roses delivered to her house. They were from him. Scary huh?

Another friend told us that there was a website devoted to the Moderators. Her name, address, phone number and an ariel map of her house was posted on that website.

Another friend had similar treatment except that she also had pornography posted accrediting her. Police were involved at that point but couldn't do much.

Then his attention turned to me.

Because I don't use my first name and he didn't know my last name, he couldn't find me (lucky or what?). So he searched for my middle name
(which I do use) in the town close to where I live (the one that I said I was from). He then put a picture of me on his website, the name and home address and business address he had searched for and with a streetmap pointing to 'my' shop - I never had a shop, but the woman that he found did.

He threatened to come visit me at my house and burn it down. I did warn the police that someone else was in danger but there wasn't much they could do.

Then he sent a friend of his down from Scotland to visit me. 'I' wasn't in that day. The conversation in chat later that night went something like this:

Him; I went to Mansfield today and visited your shop.

Me: The one I don't own?

Him: You weren't in, the assistant said it was your day off

Me: Well I wouldn't be in would I? I don't own a shop.

Him: I bought a Tshirt and told her to tell you that Pink Floyd had been to visit.

Me: So now, not only does the Cyber World know you're a complete loony, the Real World does too.

After quite a lot of other nasty stuff I contacted the police. They couldn't do much about it so I had to take out a Civil Law Suit - which cost a fair bit of money for one lunatic.

I think my case was clinched when he posted pornography to people that knew me, accrediting the pictures to my other friend who he'd done this to before, my husband and me.

I made legal history with that case. Because he was actively trying to find my address and my full name, I was given permission to take the action against him using my online Chat name. That set a legal precedent and now, in this country, anyone can use their chat name to take someone to court for stalking - under their chat name if necessary.

Now I consider *THAT* to be stalking.

NASTY, NASTY, NASTY and very distressing. I lost weight and hair. I was scared to be in the house and I was scared to be out of the house. I was scared for my children's safety and my husband's. My friends and I went through a couple of years of HELL!

If Zynga think that they can trivialise the very real and VERY distressing subject of being STALKED by claiming that their mods couldn't do their jobs because of my 'stalking' and 'harassing' them, then I think it proves my point very well.

Just how many people were 'stalking' those mods because there are a lot of people banned.

I put it to Zynga that the reason that the mods couldn't do their jobs was not because they were being harassed and stalked, but because they were useless, spineless cowards who didn't like to be beaten in a game so brought their fight to the forum where they could get a small 'victory'.

Don't trivialise Stalking. It's very nasty, very distressing and very real.

If you have proof that I was stalking put up or shut up!

No proof? Then I want an apology for that accusation.
